Instant Cold Packs Ammonium Nitrate


Instant Cold Packs Ammonium Nitrate

The instant cold packs ammonium nitrate can be used for first aid ,sports support and home care. Fro relief of pain and swelling caused by sprains, strains, contusions, minor burns, toothaches and insect bites.
The contents is TNT and water that ensures the instant temperature will be lower. It could be -4℃.

Locate inner pouch. Squeeze firmly to rupture inner fluid pouch.
Shake briefly to mix contents.
Wrap in soft cloth and apply.
Best if activated between 32 and 80 degrees fahrenheit.

Cat. No. Description Qty/Case (Pcs)
802701 Instant Cold Packs Ammonium Nitrate, 5”x6”, 109g 100
802702 Instant Cold Packs Ammonium Nitrate, 6”x9”, 237g 120

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